Senin, 21 September 2015

11 Things About the Parent The Unknown Child

Without realizing it as a child, there are some prejudices appear to our own parents. Which has been widely even incalculable merit in maintaining and educating us.

Suspicion and behavior of children to parents

1. Children have always felt that he was unloved

2. Children always take into account everything he has done for his parents

3. Children are always confusing inheritance

4. Children have always thought parents favoritism towards his brother

5. Children have always felt constrained by his parents

20 Things That Make Parents Happy

Like any parents, they are a lot of merit in us. We would not exist without them. We do not like monkey magic that is created from a stone. In fact, not only that, they are willing to do anything to make us grow up to be a good boy.

Either directly or not they (the parents) always taught us about how to live your life. For those who still have parents should be grateful for a lot of people out there who do not have a father, mother, or even both. Some of them were deeply moved when he saw a whole family was going along. Some are even almost in tears because of it.

Even so, a lot of children who are not grateful even worse does not recognize his parents and a child of disobedience. But of course it does not happen to you today. Although new intentions, there is definitely a sense of your hearts to make parents happy. On the basis of that, the following things that can make parents happy.

Parents happy The Deceased

There are three obligations of children to parents after the death; pay debts if any, to engage with friends and family, and pray.

It is common knowledge, that rare child who 'durable' filial to his parents after his parents died.

Said a friend, at best only until 40 days after the death of the children will remember their parents.

After that, loose, like there has never been a parent in his life.

While another friend said, diziarahi was the most one or two years after the death.

After that, let alone be visited grave, sent Fatiha (prayer recited) did not.

Children with devotion, boundless at the age of parents.

After taking too should remain humble.

Rasul said, khidmatnya child to parents who had died there three,

Minggu, 13 September 2015

Make Parents Happy

While happy Parent Still There

How happy the way our parents, especially when they are on our side? A child has a great obligation to be happy either both parents while they are alive or after gone. If our parents are gone, certainly we can do is continue to pray for both of them in order to obtain forgiveness and intercession from Allah Ta'ala reward or charity that we aim for our parents, for instance Quran charity etc (Read : Alms Qur'an Program for Both Parents). So what if our parents are still there beside us today, certainly greater our opportunity to give our devotion to them. Other than as an obligation that we must exert on the orders of Allah Ta'ala, devoted to parents pum has keutmaan very remarkable.
make parents happy
Among the means happy parents
How happy parents Kita .. ??
Among the ways that a child can do to be happy parents as described in the following discussion.

1. Obey Both Parents Over not disobey Allah