Senin, 21 September 2015

20 Things That Make Parents Happy

Like any parents, they are a lot of merit in us. We would not exist without them. We do not like monkey magic that is created from a stone. In fact, not only that, they are willing to do anything to make us grow up to be a good boy.

Either directly or not they (the parents) always taught us about how to live your life. For those who still have parents should be grateful for a lot of people out there who do not have a father, mother, or even both. Some of them were deeply moved when he saw a whole family was going along. Some are even almost in tears because of it.

Even so, a lot of children who are not grateful even worse does not recognize his parents and a child of disobedience. But of course it does not happen to you today. Although new intentions, there is definitely a sense of your hearts to make parents happy. On the basis of that, the following things that can make parents happy.

1. Get up early and greet parents with a smile.
2. Talk gentle parents and do not yell at them.
3. Help homework though trivial even if the parents are not told.
4. goodbye when it wants to go and greet his return.
5. Do not make them sad or worried.
6. Obey worship according to religion and belief respectively.
7. So smart kid.
8. Follow the advice they do not like to argue.
9. Do not continue to defend themselves if any.
10. Make them proud of your behavior.
11. Show that you are happy to stay in the house.
12. Achievement in school or the workplace.
13. Be an adult.
14. Do not be demanding.
15. Proud parents work because they can make life work to date.
16. Open to the problem that parents need to know.
17. If possible, represent them in some ways that parents can rest.
18. Adjust your desires with the ability of older people.
19. Entertain parents when they upset
20. Be of great people and do not embarrass them.

The point is not to let the parents and make them proud, so you do not have to find a way that is hard to happy parents. Customize with the ability to also state and start from small things that have been delivered. Anyone want to add ?

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