Senin, 21 September 2015

11 Things About the Parent The Unknown Child

Without realizing it as a child, there are some prejudices appear to our own parents. Which has been widely even incalculable merit in maintaining and educating us.

Suspicion and behavior of children to parents

1. Children have always felt that he was unloved

2. Children always take into account everything he has done for his parents

3. Children are always confusing inheritance

4. Children have always thought parents favoritism towards his brother

5. Children have always felt constrained by his parents

6. Children always feel smarter and denied counsel of his parents

7. Children always underestimate any work that has been given

8. Children are always snapped his parents when talking

9. Children always thought parents did not have any mercy when his son was told to work hard and struggled to advance

10. Children have always considered the parents usually just upset and angry again endless

11. Children have always assume that parents did not love her very stingy and when children ask for money or something is not granted

Secret unknown to the child

1. Children do not understand that in every prayer and hope parents always keep in mind the child's name

2. The parents were never informed about the sacrifices during your childbirth

3. Parents have been preparing for his inheritance, just waiting for the right time to surrender

4. Children do not understand if the knowledge behind the child's parents always praised in front of his brother

5. Children do not understand that all that is done only for the good of the parents the child's future

6. Children do not understand that the parents have had a tougher life than children

7. Parents are not willing to see her son alive somewhere bother other people.

8. Children do not understand every time he snapped, parents' hearts will vibrate and cause a shorter age

9. Children do not understand that some parents give life lessons to work hard and have fun later. Parents would regret it later on when he died his son alive distress

10. Children do not ever realize that the angry and reprimand the parents is a warning that something was wrong in her life not to be repeated. If the parents are gone who else could remind the child's fault other than a parent.

11.Anak not aware of the actual parents cry inside when rejecting keinginanan children due to financial problems or a desire that their children can be risky and dangerous for children.

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