Minggu, 13 September 2015

Make Parents Happy

While happy Parent Still There

How happy the way our parents, especially when they are on our side? A child has a great obligation to be happy either both parents while they are alive or after gone. If our parents are gone, certainly we can do is continue to pray for both of them in order to obtain forgiveness and intercession from Allah Ta'ala reward or charity that we aim for our parents, for instance Quran charity etc (Read : Alms Qur'an Program for Both Parents). So what if our parents are still there beside us today, certainly greater our opportunity to give our devotion to them. Other than as an obligation that we must exert on the orders of Allah Ta'ala, devoted to parents pum has keutmaan very remarkable.
make parents happy
Among the means happy parents
How happy parents Kita .. ??
Among the ways that a child can do to be happy parents as described in the following discussion.

1. Obey Both Parents Over not disobey Allah

Complying with both parents is obligatory on every Muslim, and this is one way we can do for the happiness of both. Disobedience to parents is haraam in Islam. A Muslim is not allowed the slightest disobeys her parents unless they commanded us to associating partners with God or disobey Him.
In this case Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in the Quran:
"And if they strive to associate with something that I have no knowledge about it, then do not obey them ..." (QS. Luqman: 15)
It is also described in the Hadith delivered by Rasululloh Sholallohu'alaihi wa sallam which a Muslim should not obey the creature to disobey God is the Creator, as the Prophet Rasululah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"There is no obedience to disobey God. Indeed it was only in obedience to do good. "                    (HR. Bukhari no. 4340, 7145, 7257, and Muslim no. 1840, of Ali radi 'anhu)
But if our parents tells us about the suit that was not the case that disobeys God, then we must obey our parents forever and this includes most cases required even after tauhid to Allah Ta'ala. Therefore, a Muslim should not disobey what was ordered by both parents.

2. Dedicated and humble himself before the Second Parent

Another way to make our parents happy is to always modestly when in front of them. If necessary, we should not raise your voice when in front of our parents and seeks to diminish the sound. It is intended, if we are too raised his voice we exceed them, it will offend and does not seem polite.
Allaah also says:
"We are commanded to man in order to do good to both parents mother father ..."                    (Qur'an, Al-Ahqaaf: 15)
"Worship Allah and do not associate him with anything. And do good to the two parents mother father ... " (Qur'an, An-Nisa ': 36)
The command to do good is more pronounced when the age of both parents are getting older and their conditions continued to weaken, and urgently need help and attention of children. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"And thy Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and be ye kind to mother your father as well as possible. If one of the two or both until the age further in pemeliharaanmu, then occasionally do you say to the two words 'ah' and do not yell at them and say to them a noble word. And humble yourselves against them both lovingly and say: 'O, my Lord, love both of them as they both have to educate me a little time.' " (Qur'an, Al-Isra ': 23-24)
Dengna this regard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said:
"It's a loss, it is a loss, and indeed losers who get both parents are elderly or one of them then it can not put it into Heaven." (HR. Muslim no. 2551, from Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu)
Among the ways to please our parents is to keep words and actions that can harm both parents, although dg cues or by saying 'ah'. Including devote to both of them is to always make them the pleasure of doing what they have or want, of course as long as it does not disobey Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

3. Trying to Talk With Soft in the Light of our parents

Speaking softly is the perfection of devotion to both parents and humble himself before them. Even in the Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala tells us that a child is forbidden to deny the wishes of both his oran even if only with words as simple as a rejection of the word "ah". It is as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"... So do not ever say to the two words' ah 'and do not yell at them and say to them a noble word." (QS. Al-Israa': 23)
Therefore, speak to them both by saying gentle and kind and with good wording.

4. Provide Food For Parents Kita

Seroang sometimes children are more concerned with themselves and others than he thinks about his parents. He ate food which is too good and luxurious while both parents just take potluck. One way to please our parents are there to provide or providing food for them, especially if he feed them from the results of their own efforts. So, appropriately provided for them food and drink and more put the two of them than ourselves even from my wife and children that we have.

5. Ask for Permission To Both Parents Before jihad and Go For Other Affairs

Permission to both parents is required for jihad undetermined. This is as the story of a shohabat who came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and asked: "Yes, Raslullah, if I could join jihad?" He asked in return: "Do you still have both parents?" The man replied "Still." He said: "Strive (by way of filial) to both." (HR. Bukhari no. 3004, 5972, and Muslim no. 2549, from Ibn 'Amr radi' anhu)
In another hadith dicerikan about a man who came came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said: "I came membai'atmu to migrate and leave my parents weeping (departure). So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Go home and make them laugh as you made them cry."             (HR. Abu Dawud no. 2528, an-Nasa-i, VII / 143, Ibn Majah no. 2782, from Ibn 'Amr radi' anhu. See the book Shahiih Abi Dawud no. 2205)

6. Giving Assets To Parent According Total What they Want

Very often we find in contemporary times, seroang children do not care about the needs of both parents. When in fact what he had included all of his property was owned by his / her father. This is as hadith Rasululloh Sholallhu'alaihi wa sallam:
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said to a man when he said: "My father wanted to take my treasure." The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "You and your wealth belong to your father." (HR. Ahmad, II / 204, Abu Dawud no. 3530, and Ibn Majah no. 2292, from Ibn 'Amr radi' anhu. This hadith contained in the book Shahiihul Jaami no. 1486)
Therefore, should a person do not be griping (stingy) against the person who caused the existence of himself, keep it as small and weak, and that has been good to him and this is another way we can do to make our parents happy.

7. Making Both Ridha By Doing Good To People Loved They

If we want a happy person, then love and do good to what he loves. Likewise when we want both our parents happy, then Let us make both parents the pleasure of doing good to the brothers, dear relatives, friends, and in addition to them. Namely, to glorify them, connect with them silaturrahim rope, perform promises (parents) to them.

8. Denouncing Parent or Not Cause They heckled Others

If the minor word bleak "ah" only strictly prohibited, let alone to bear mencel akedua parents themselves. Denouncing parents and cause them blamed others, including one of the major sins. How does it make others denounce our parents? One is when we denounce both parents brother who is causing it to reverse aka denounced both our parents.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"Including the great sin is someone denounce their parents." The Companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what would anyone denounce their parents?" He replied: "There is. He denounced the father of another person then the person replying to denounce their parents. He denounced the mother and the others were replying to denounce his mother. "                                                                            (HR. Bukhari no. 5973 and Muslim no. 90, from Ibn 'Amr radi' anhu)
Perhaps among us da often joke or joke with a very despicable acts is the mutual reproach our parents, na'hudzubillah hi mindzalik. This action usually arises from the lowly and despised. Such actions include large sin, as already mentioned.
Similarly be some way we can do for the happiness of our parents when they were still there. If both of our parents these days are gone, then we too can still do good to both of them to always pray for our parents or by way of alms that the reward we aim to both our parents for example charity Quran to Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia.


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